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I'm not as charming as I think...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I was thinking about doing a "Wordless Wednesday" post and looking through the photos I had saved up for future posts and came across one that made me laugh out loud all over again. I decided this photo needs some setting up....

This picture was taken last Christmas (yes..I'm nothing if not timely..) at our church's annual Christmas Dinner. We sat across from some friends and were having a really good time. I was really on a roll... I love telling funny stories and making others laugh... and I was in rare form... The couple we were sitting across from were tearing up they were laughing so hard... While we were visiting, a sweet man who is always taking pictures at church events came to our table to snap our picture... he made some comment about how we were "having way too much fun over here.." and we were...

The next week at church Cate told me I should go look at the bulletin board... "there is a really good picture of you and dad on it..." I don't have many good pictures of us together, so on the way to the board I asked the person who took the pictures if I could have the one of the Axeman & myself... "sure" he said... I arrived at the board and this is what I found....

Cute picture of us... but look to the right..
I guess I'm not as funny and charming as I thought...

Thanks for listening,


  1. Hahaha her face! Maybe she was just jealous she wasnt as funny as you :)

  2. It's really easy to get caught in a snap-shot with a sour look on your face especially when your eating. I don't even know who that is, but I'm sure she wasn't actually giving you the stank-eye. (I took one off the bulletin board last Sunday that made me look like I'd been hit with a thorazine blow-dart.)

  3. It's a great picture! You do, look like, you had a lot of fun! And that's what we're suppose to do.. enjoy ourselves and give God the glory! If you wait for others to approve, then you'll miss out (like I sometimes and mostly always do)on this thing called life! I'm not sure who I was lecturing to.. I think to myself.. lol. You're really fun to hung out with!

  4. You always make me smile and usually make me laugh out loud! Thank you for that!!

  5. That picture made me belly laugh. Still giggling.


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