WARNING: Rebecca D. shows flagrant disregard for the rules of punctuation... She uses ellipsis with wild abandon... Punctuation interventions have been done to no avail... If you are offended by such irreverence to the rules of grammar... The very glue that holds our society together... STOP READING NOW... Move on... There is a little button at the top that says "next blog"... You would be well advised to use it... You were warned...

This needs to stop...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Babies on the brain....
Babies on the brain....
Gotta stop reading mommy blogs.....
'Cause I got babies on the brain....

Babies on the brain....
Babies on the brain....
AllisonO  & Joy I'm blaming you....
'Cause I got babies on the brain....

Babies on the brain....
Babies on the brain....
Gotta remember I'm getting kinda old...
'Cause I got babies on the brain....

*sung to "The Farmer in the Dell"


  1. 37? Not too old for babies!


  2. Oopsy! He he....

  3. Fringe Girl.... I was married at 18 had KK by 20...37 may not be old, but it eels like it. Besides, I never imagined paying for college and diapers at the same time... you never know what the Lord has for you, but....

    Joy... Yes, I hold you responsible...My ovaries are writing bad songs because of you...

    Love ya!

  4. OMG!!! Okay...so, I totally thought you were singing "Babies on the brain" to the hot "Pants on the Ground"...then I saw your little disclaimer! Thanks for stopping by!

    I think I need to take a page from your book, and freeze some meals for the very reason you mentioned!

    Mama M.
    My Little Life

  5. Glad my horrific potty training experiences are helping you out! hee hee! :) Good luck with the babies on the brain. Who says 37 is too old? If you and hubby want one . . . go for it!

  6. Mama M... I wanted to make it that song, but the girlies think I am "soooo embarrassing" and begged me not to reference that song one more time! I have been teasing them that you can sing "Pants on the ground" to the "Farmer in the Dell".... and have demonstrated... in front of friends...I guess I am embarrassing! Don't tell them I told you...

    Lumberjacks wife... thanks for the encouragement... I told P what you & fringegirl said and he said.. "Who are these lunatics??" Sorry... he hasn't read your blog... he has no idea how cool you are... He has no room to talk... his nickname around work is a certain fictional lumberjack with a big blue ox... I don't know where I was going with that... something I thought was clever. I'm sure!!
    Thanks for dropping by!


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