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Not me Monday...

Monday, May 31, 2010

It is time again for my weekly denial... 

I've not come to really love these...

I am not currently hiding on the computer so that I don't have to answer my step dad's same question for the 12th time. Even though I know he can't help this I do not let it start to get on my nerves from time to time.  I do not fantasize about bumping him like you do a record with a skip to move on to the next topic...

I do not take it personal when I  make him exactly what he asks for for dinner even though it involves running to two stores to get the needed ingredients and then he won't eat it, because he "never" liked it....

It does not make me want to cry when he thinks I'm my mom, or doesn't know where he is...

I do not think very unchristian thoughts when my brother calls and dosen't ask how he can help, but wants to know if our parents kept something of his from his childhood and can I mail it to him... or when one of my FIVE step-siblings who all live within four hours of here and were no help in this crisis that brought us here from 1000 miles away drop by for a 30 minute visit or send flowers and my step-dad spends the rest of the day talking about what great "kids" they are...

I am still glad I came...

Thanks for listening,


  1. Holy crap, Rebecca- you've got so much on your plate. The step-siblings thing would probably throw me over the edge. I'd start getting super nasty, I would.


  2. {{Hugs}} to you, honey. You are such an amazing daughter!


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