WARNING: Rebecca D. shows flagrant disregard for the rules of punctuation... She uses ellipsis with wild abandon... Punctuation interventions have been done to no avail... If you are offended by such irreverence to the rules of grammar... The very glue that holds our society together... STOP READING NOW... Move on... There is a little button at the top that says "next blog"... You would be well advised to use it... You were warned...

Post-It Tuesday...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

(Minus the post it's since my mom's computer won't open them...)

Dear Sparky...

That boy across the street has 
a crush on you and
is driving the rest of us nuts
trying to get you to notice him.

I know you just want to be 
friends.... Could you tell 
him that... Please... 

Before your father gets 
here and has less of a sense 
of humor for the poor kid...

Dear Cate...

You have been a huge help...
I couldn't have done this
without you... 

Now go have some fun... You 
are young... Get out there and
meet people... I can handle
things here...

Dear Axeman...

I miss you...

Dear Readers...

We broke down and bought 
a new computer... It should be
here next week sometime...

Our old one died a sad, pathetic
death... May it rest in pieces...

But a blogger without a 
computer is like...
a duck without water...

I'd live, but not happily...

Thankfully the Axeman sees 
how  much blogging means
to me and agreed to buy a 
new one...
Yea  Me!

PS. I won't link this up with Supah Mommy today since I don't have actual post-it's, but be sure to drop by over there anyhow...

Thanks for listening,


  1. Hi! So, glad to hear from you! I keep you on my Google Reader, so I will read you FOREVER. :) I'm praying for energy for you and your family. I know this must be difficult.

  2. Hey there girlie! So glad to hear that things seem to be going a little better. Wow! Sparky has a love interest... yeah better nip that one in the bud prior to Axeman's arrival. lol I agree. PLEEEEZZZ tell the dude... just friends :) Is Cate going to work, or college or missionary trip to Belize or somewhere else? Hugs, and hey, if my daughter and I come to Maine to visit in the fall... would you be our tour guide? Where is a nice hotel to stay?

  3. i hear your pain, i've been without steady computer/internet access for over a month...hehe, "may it rest in pieces"...HA!!! i can't wait til i have regular access...

    so, you're all gone but the hub...hmm, please email me your mailing address sometime when you get the chance!

  4. Hope your computer issues are resolved soon!


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