WARNING: Rebecca D. shows flagrant disregard for the rules of punctuation... She uses ellipsis with wild abandon... Punctuation interventions have been done to no avail... If you are offended by such irreverence to the rules of grammar... The very glue that holds our society together... STOP READING NOW... Move on... There is a little button at the top that says "next blog"... You would be well advised to use it... You were warned...

Changing The Room Around...

Monday, August 8, 2011

When I am in a funk I like to mix things up a bit...
I changed the living room around...
But this was a big funk...
I bought a new shower curtain...
I was almost there...
New solar lights for the deck...
I was close to being funk free...
Bloggy face life...
I feel an end of the funk dance coming on...

Total mini face lift cost... $43.00
Feeling a little less "funky"... Priceless

Thanks for listening...

PS. The bloggy facelift was free from The Cutest Blog on the Block...


  1. Love the new look! And totally get the feeling in a funk thing--making a few little changes always brightens up the mood a little bit :)

  2. Ohhh... I love your new blog look!

  3. I think, just possibly, we were separated at birth. I LOVE change, especially when I'm down... but even when I'm up :D


  4. Love the bloggy facelift! So cute!


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