So this was a crazy few days... It is now 11:30 PM on Saturday and I feel like the last three days were about ten days long... I'll start at the beginning. (As good a place as any.)
Thursday: I woke up with a horrible migraine... As I am sure you can tell my emotions have been all over the place for the last week. I am pretty sure it was triggered by my allowing stress a toe-hold in my life. I will tell you why I have been so stressed in a minute, but back to Thursday... It was such an intense headache, no medicine I took had any affect so I just had to sleep it off. That resulted in me being passed out on the couch until about 2:30 in the afternoon. About that time I still had a headache but was able to cope with life. I tried to do some housework, but pretty much just vegged on the couch and ordered pizza for everyone for dinner. Here is where this effected the rest of my weekend... That much sleep meant I was still awake when Paul woke up at 5:00 AM Friday... I was just heading to bed when I passed him in the hall. I begged him not to let me sleep past 9 AM and crawled into bed.
9:00 AM Friday... With four hours sleep under my belt I had to get up. I had a crazy busy day ahead and had lost all day Thursday, so I was really behind schedule. I downed a HUGE cup of coffee with that new York Peppermint Patty creamer (Cate picked it up at the store and it is yummy!) and rushed out to run errands. First stop the bank, then off to drop off a deposit for the wedding. Since I had company coming at 11 AM for lunch I ran to the store to see what the deli had to offer in ready made salads. I got home and the girlies had done everything I asked them to so thankfully the house was presentable in time for Cate's bridesmaids and their moms to get here for a dress fitting and lunch. When I ordered the dresses I had to guess two of the four girls sizes, and am happy to report all the dresses fit perfectly!
3:30 PM Friday... Paul and I had our monthly meeting with our pastor to go over all things youth group. We had a fruitful meeting with lots of things figured out. We are so blessed to work with someone we can communicate so easily with and supports us so fully.
4:50 PM Friday... Arrive home... Take a deep breath at the back door...
Enter, squeal, jump up and down...
5:00 PM Friday... Load up the girlies and their guys to go to grab a bite to eat before the concert we were going to that night. We had "Meet & Greet" tickets so we had to be at the concert by 5:30 so it was dollar menu drive thru for dinner... The concert was "Chasen" and they blew us away. The sing the song Crazy Beautiful (since I can't seem to link anything up right now you'll have to look it up...) We know their drummer Lee because he was in a band that takes part in our church's annual summer concert in the park and we have come to think of them as family. So I am sure it was weird for the rest of the guys that we just wanted to chat with their drummer... It was fun to see Lee again and to meet the rest of the band. The downside is we got there at 5:30 for the "meet and greet" but the concert didn't start until 7 PM... Lots of waiting... So I snapped some pictures of the girlies and their guys...
Sparky & Her Guy (I really need a name for him)
Cate and Jackson
(Hey dude, if you sit up strait you won't look a foot shorter then your future wife!)
He's another shot of Sparky...
Yep, we were pretty bored, but the concert was great! We went out for a real meal after and ran into a bunch of people from the concert at the restaurant including the opening band. We kinda took over the place and it became an impromptu after-party. (Where sweet tea and Dr.P were the hardest things imbibed... Yep, we party hard!)
12:00 Midnight Friday/Saturday... We got back to our house. Since the guys both live thirty minutes from here and we were all exhausted we had them call home and crash in our livingroom.
8:00 AM Saturday... Wake up... Fix breakfast, send the guys home to change for a wedding we had to go to at 1:00 PM.
10:00 AM Saturday... More company! There is a young woman from church that has become like family to us, but because of her job she moved 45 minutes from here. Now we only get to see her on Sundays, but she was going to be down this way so I foolishly scheduled another thing for this weekend...
1:00-5:00 Saturday... Wedding and reception for a super couple from church. They had a beautiful service and we took notes for our upcoming nuptials. Their reception was a much more formal affair then ours will be but it was very nice.
Oh Wait...
Did you want to know more about 4:40 PM on Friday?
I kinda told you already...
Did you miss it?
Look again...
That is a ring...
A Sapphire ENGAGEMENT ring...
Yep, our Sparky... Our 17 year old Sparky is engaged. Do you see why I was kinda freaking out this past week? He came to us to get our permission and my husband's blessing. We knew these two were headed this way eventually, but not as seniors in high school. We kinda thought some time in the next year... At least I thought I'd get one wedding under my belt first. I am overjoyed for them and can see that this is from the Lord, but I am admittedly a little freaked out too. I am glad that my husband was the one he had to ask, because the Lord had recently put it on his heart that this guy is the man for our Sparky. When he came to ask, Paul already had his answer from the Lord. If you re-read some of last weeks posts they may make more sense now... You see... He asked us and talked to his parents, but it took a little over a week for the ring to get here. While we were meeting with the pastor, he was asking her!
There it is... Our shocking and big news!
Thanks for listening,

Your weekend has been a busy one; make sure to take care of my best friend. :D
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to the newly engaged couple!!
I don't know how you do it...both in one year. I'd be a basket case. Many new prayer for you! And congratulations to the new couple. :o)
ReplyDeleteMaybe they could have joint wedding???? Probably not! Our day was wonderful yesterday. I never put my feet up and am still too tired to sleep but it was so joyful and fun it doesn't matter! Thanks for the prayers!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you're able to be so excited. I would be pooping my pants if I had two engaged already!
ReplyDeleteSounds like you had a crazy weekend! Congrats to the newly engaged couple! (Maybe they will wait a year to marry, and give you a break ;))
ReplyDeleteCan you hear my happy (and amazed) squeal all the way across the continent!?! Yes, it's young. But they can grow up together, rather than years and years of individualization, if that makes any sense!
ReplyDeleteAnd (all due respect to the commenter above), I think long engagements are problematic... all the commitment, all the temptation, and none of the benefit of being married. *ahem*
My grandma married at 17. (She put a paper in her shoe that said "18" so she could "honestly" tell the clerk she was "over 18", when they got the license.) Happily married, until death. I wish I'd married younger and had my kids younger.
And what a blessing that they are seeking your blessing and approval! Family support means everything to a marriage.
God bless you all,
Oh my! You ARE full of surprises. Congratulations and best wishes to ALL! A agree with everything Julie said above. Marriage is an honorable institution established by God. It would be great if you could figure out how to work a "twofer" deal, (snicker.)
ReplyDeleteYes, I had to read through all your posts to get to this one. Wow!!! Congratulations to your other daughter!! I saw her picture on the side with soon to be son-in-law and I had to read this!