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At a loss for words...

Monday, January 5, 2015

Ok, let's face it, I have never been at a loss for words, so let's revise that as "At a loss of a word" You see last year I chose a word to be my "word of the year" so to speak. I would pray and otherwise focus on one word as much as possible to see if a change would come from it. That word was "Joy" and it really, really, really worked. 

I managed to find joy in the mist of some huge trials and storms but beyond that I started to choose joy in many mundane day to day activities and I saw a huge change in my overall attitude. 

Not that I was this amazingly chipper Pollyanna all of a sudden, but I did feel a change happening in my heart. Some days I would say "Today I choose Joy" over and over and over until I found it but find it I usually did. 

Now it is 2015 and I do not have a word...

I have been looking for weeks... I tried "connect", "restore", "focus" and many others on for size but none fit... Do I need another year of "Joy"? I a pretty sure I can carry my joy forward without it being my word of the year. 

I love the idea of a "verse" for the year but I need to keep it simple and boil it down to one word although that word can come from a verse I will also focus on... Like Joy did... 1 Peter 1:6 NLT - "So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you have to endure many trials for a little while."

Do you have a word or thought you focus on each year? Do you have any suggestions of a word or words for me? I will pray over any suggestions you have to see if it fits. 

Thanks for listening,


  1. I haven't ever done that - maybe I should. This year I'm dealing with some health issues and wondering how much stress is playing into it. I think I would pick "rest" or "trust"! Isaiah 32:18 :D

  2. My word for the year is RELATIONSHIPS! It came from my reading of the Gospels, specially Matthew 22:36-40 about loving God and loving others. :)

  3. been trying to comment on your recent posts ... but I can't get signed in. HOPE this one gets published?!?!
    ANyhoo...I started out this year with GRATITUDE but I think I'm changing it to acceptance. I hope to blog about why if I can do it without being too - I don't know - weird. LOL!!


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