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Short On Time...

Monday, August 1, 2011

Today I am short on time... But full of Joy and the desire to tell you guys so many things... After all this time away from blogging, it seems I am bursting with stuff to say!

For today I have very little time so I will share what is foremost in my mind...

Yesterday my pastor talked about one of Solomon's dreams... The one where the LORD offers him anything he desires and he asks for wisdom...

He also asked what our "dreams" are... I didn't know right away... You see, I long ago put away the dreams of my youth... Not that I didn't think they would come true but because they were no longer the desires of my heart... I have thought on this since yesterday... I realised I am blessed beyond what I could have ever dreamed in my youth... Not in material things but in every other way... The ways that matter... I too pray for wisdom. The wisdom to remember this, the wisdom to seek only the LORD, and the wisdom to be who he wants me to be.
(PS. You can catch my pastor's podcast here... If you are interested... We also have a concert we are sponsoring coming up in the events section... If you are in the area!)
Thanks for listening,


  1. Rebecca, you're telling my story too!

    In Psalm (37? I think?) it says, "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desire of your heart."

    I used to think that was like a candy machine - what you want just pops out! But it's even better... when I delight myself in HIM, He gives me new and better desires, which He then fulfills :D



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