With 32 days to until the wedding... Aghhhhh!
I just sent off all the really big "final payment" checks for the venue, photographer, DJ, etc... It was nice to cross all those things off the list, but wedding or not, we are now officially having a big party on June 16th! Not that I am not sure there will be a wedding, there will be!
Now, for the prerequisite post Mother's Day post...
You know, the one where all us female bloggers show off our Mother's Day swag...
Allison put together a coffee and cookies gift basket for me, with a couple cute mugs I admired at HomeGoods the other day. She & Dakota got me those beautiful flowers. Katy & Jed got me a target gift card to go towards the umbrella I want for the back deck. My mom got me a wal-mart gift card, and I got her a shadow box frame that is fabric lined so she can pin all her patches and stuff from high school into it for display. This is a project she has talked about my whole life wanting to do, so when Allison and I saw the frames at the store we knew it was the perfect gift.
Paul asked me last week what I wanted and I had just seen this quilt at HomeGoods so Allison and I went back and picked it up the next day. I plan to update my bedroom for summer around it.
Here is the picture that came with it... I didn't get the shams, because I thought it was too much but I did pick up sheets in the green color and two of the throw pillows. I couldn't find the cute bird cage one, but I've seen ones like it other places so I may still add one.
This weekend we also finally got a small project done around here that has been bugging me forever...
Like the bad blogger I am I didn't take before pictures but there was this area at the bottom of the back steps, beside the driveway that was just a barren dirt eyesore... Last summer Paul took out a rotting ramp that my parents never used that led to the back deck and built the stairs. It was (is) a vast improvement, but it left a big dirt patch. He put in the pavers at the bottom of the stairs, but we never got around to fixing up the rest.
Well, here it is about half done. I wanted to get a really big pot to plant flowers in, but didn't see one at any of the local stores I liked so I got the two smaller ones at Lowe's and added the antique milk jug from the front of the house. I may still add some kind of shrub in a planter when/if I find what I am looking for.
(Thanks for ignoring the trash on the deck... My darling husband saw me go outside and put it there on the off chance I'd carry it to the can... It was a long shot, but he was so sweet yesterday I decided to be nice.)
But this is a better then it was... I am also adding a trellis against the house. I have one picked out but the only one they had in stock was damaged so I am waiting for the one I ordered from another store to get here Wednesday.
Oh, and Dakota's graduation occurs exactly one week before the wedding and his birthday is the day after. We voted as a family and decided to celebrate these things early, so on a random day last week we surprised him with Dakota birthday/graduation day... It involved gifts and food and fun... We all had a blast.
(sorry the picture is a bit blurry)
Here he is with the electric/acoustic guitar we got him, wearing his new shirt & shoes. What you can't see is the cologne she got him and the guitar case we got to go with the guitar. (He actually wanted new clothes... In case you were wondering.) Allison threw on her new boots for the wedding to show you guys too... Actually, at the last moment as she was heading out the door she asked if I was going to make her model those for a future post and when I said yes she put them on quick to "kill two birds with one stone."
To answer the inevitable email/comment questions... The boots are from Delia's and are not high quality, but she likes them and that's all that matters some times. The guitar is one we bought locally. (He picked it out, and I don't know much about them, I believe it's a Taylor.) His shoes are Sperry (is this just a coast of Maine thing or are teenagers everywhere into these?) and the shirt was from TJ Maxx.
Thanks for listening,

Happy Mothers Day! Glad you guys are having some fun :D
Love the quilt! I made a comment to my daughter about all the "ghosts of hydrangeas past," you know.. the ones that I've gotten every Mother's day that are mowed over by Summer's end. She took the hint and got me two lovely new hydrangeas. I intend to plant them in a cage of iron rebar. For the first time in his life, my son bought me a gift rather than signing his name to his sister's purchase.
ReplyDeleteHappy Mothers day to you. I've been praying for your church issues. Hope that is all being resolved.